
Post GRCon15

GRCon15 finished up a few weeks ago, and I've just now found time to voice some of my thoughts on it. First, immediately after GRCon happened, I went to Paris for the SRIF workshop, which was great and fun and another successful workshop on software radio. I immediately flew from Paris to St. Louis for the DARPA Wait What? conference where I was a panelist along with Matt Ettus and Elad Anon. Great conference, a total blast, and I think we had a really good discussion about spectrum and wireless technology. So that's been taking up some of my time.

Now, GRCon15. I really couldn't have been more pleased with how it turned out. The speakers were fantastic. The attendees were fantastic. The venue, location, and food were all fantastic. Hell, even the weather was fantastic. And another huge thanks to our sponsors and organizers!

Really, I don't know what more to say about it. I'm sorry if you missed it this year. I think everyone (or most everyone, at least) got something out of it. It was fun and full of information about capabilities within GNU Radio and cool projects happening around GNU Radio. I hope, though also expect, that next year's will be even better.

A final couple of thoughts. A friend of mine came by just for one day to talk shop, but his reaction was interesting. He asked me, "I don't understand, why is everyone paying attention?" To which I responded, "no one comes to GRCon for tenure. They come because they are interested in it and it helps them do their jobs better." But it makes for a great environment for talks and discussions. And speaking of jobs, it also amazed me that every company that came is hiring. We can't produce enough talent in this field fast enough. Which is absolutely fantastic!